
Corporate Resource Planning App

Orgstruct app is an automated solution designed to simplify the arduous task of placing and reviewing resource planning requests for dept managers & H.R executives.


Product Designer, Lead UI/UX Designer

Business Requirement

Resource planning plays a crucial part in departments achieving their performance targets.However, the cost of tool used in the process - Microsoft Visio was expensive (1000$/month) & dept managers had to be trained on the tool before they could engage on the process.

Considering the possibility of future growth of departments, the business wanted to build an in-house standalone platform which could handle the end-end process.

Research Insights

Compiling all of our research data gained from qualitative research ( interviews, field studies & contextual observations) we gained below insights from the user's who are part of the process.


Combining the research insights and business requirement, PM & I was able to define the goals to achieve.

Preloading department hierarchy - for managers

Introduced Services - to automate chart interactions

Forms used to capture parameters of a service

360 interactive view of review


Within 3 months time, we were able to launch the MVP covering all of the user stories defined in the initial phase.We soft launched the platform to 10 depts. Overall, we received a positive feedback from both sets of users. We saw,